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Burasolutions Academy is named winner in a global climate award for its work in empowering marginalized communities.

Burasolutions Solar Academy has been named as a winner in the prestigious Ashden Awards for climate innovation for its work in accelerating the energy transition through green skills. The announcement was made at a global celebration in London on Tuesday 14 November.  
It was a tough competition for the awards and Burasolutions Solar Academy was chosen from over 200 applicants for its pioneering work and will receive a grant, publicity and support to grow and replicate their innovation. BuraSolutions Academy provides training opportunities for young people and individuals from marginalized communities, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required for solar PV installation, maintenance and entrepreneurship.

Burasolutions Solar Academy won the award category ‘’Powering Futures in Clean Energy’’, for building the workforce to energise the Global South. The annual Ashden Awards showcase the ground-breaking initiatives of climate pioneers that are showing what is possible in the shift to a fairer low carbon future. To maximise impact, the climate solutions charity also makes connections with funders, investors, policymakers and others, providing a global platform to showcase their work.

’Our Solar PV Training program includes additional modules in innovation and entrepreneurship to enable trainees to function independently in the industry upon graduation. Our students also have the rare privilege to be linked gainful jobs, mentorship, and financing opportunities. We believe our work has the potential to reduce energy poverty and drive sustainable development in Nigeria. Winning the Ashden Awards is very important to us as it has provided a platform for us to expand and showcase the impact of our work’’ – Buradom Getah, CEO Burasolutions Energy.

Ashden CEO Ashok Sinha said:
“This year’s Ashden Award winners prove that people are passionate about creating practical solutions to the climate emergency. Just look what happens as a result: higher incomes, better health, stronger communities and the creation of new jobs. These brilliant solutions need serious backing from policymakers and investors.”  

‘’In addition to increasing access to clean and affordable energy in Nigeria, equipping young people and women with green entrepreneurial skills would drive sustainable development in Nigeria, reduce unemployment rate and the huge gender gap in the energy Industry’’- Janet Zagah, Co-founder Burasolutions Energy.

To watch all of this year’s winners, watch here: The 2023 Ashden Awards London Ceremony + live online viewing – Ashden 

2023 Ashden Awards.

BuraSolutions Is Revealed As A Finalist In The 2023 Ashden Awards.

Burasolutions is among one of twelve outstanding organisations delivering innovative climate solutions that have reached the finals of the prestigious 2023 Ashden Awards.

Over 200 organisations applied for the 2022 Ashden Awards, and Burasolutions is one of just two finalists in the category of Powering Futures in Clean Energy for building the workforce to energise the Global South after a rigorous assessment and judging process involving on-the-ground visits and input from sector experts. Award winners will be announced in November just before the world climate conference COP28.

Burasolutions Solar Academy presents a unique opportunity for women and people in marginalized communities in Nigeria to get green skills in the renewable energy sector. It is an intensive but encompassing learning experience that provides young people with industry-relevant skills and helps them gain support for effective engagement and deployment of renewable energy technologies. Through our training programs, we aim to increase access to renewable energy solutions, reduce poverty, and promote gender equality. We are based in Nigeria and so far we have trained and empowered hundreds of young Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in Nigeria.

“Our Solar PV Training program includes additional modules in innovation and entrepreneurship to enable trainees to function independently in the industry upon graduation. Our students also have the rare privilege to be linked gainful jobs, mentorship, and financing opportunities. We believe our work has the potential to reduce energy poverty and drive sustainable development in Nigeria. Reaching the Ashden finalist is very important to us as it has provided a platform for us to expand and showcase the impact of our work” – Buradum Geteh, CEO Burasolutions Energy.

Ashden, a UK charity, has been spotlighting transformative climate solutions for more than 20 years through their prestigious Awards scheme. Dr Stephen Hall, Head of Awards at Ashden, said: “Our finalists are boundary-pushing pioneers cutting emissions and restoring nature. Crucially, they show how green jobs and community projects can drive a just transition and more equal society.”

“In addition to increasing access to clean and affordable energy in Nigeria, equipping young people and women with green entrepreneurial skills would also drive sustainable development in Nigeria, reduce unemployment rate and the huge gender gap in the energy Industry”- Janet Zagah, Director of Strategy and Partnerships Burasolutions Energy. You can see the full list of finalists here: